Thursday, August 23, 2007

Harry Potter and DH

Ok who doesn't cry after reading HP&TDH??? I did. Firah did. Asmah?

Why did Fred has to die????????????????????????????????????????????????! George has a holey ear! For the love of...!!!!

Anyway..... I knew Severus wasn't such a bad man ;________; It kills me to know the complete truth at the end.

I don't really like reading the last part though where they all got married. >___>;;; It's just so strange. Plus i'm not satisfied the way the book ended. I mean i wanted to at least witness(ahem i mean read) how George reacting to his twin's death.. I guess Ms. Rowling didn't want to turn a happy-go-lucky character into depressing character. But that's what it was missing in the last book.... I so wanna bloody read about George crying his eyeballs out for Fred! They better do a good job on HP7 the movie!!!!!
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