Friday, June 3, 2011

Thai Massage

I took a leave today. I had something important to do. After I finished the important job around 4 PM, I went straight to Midvalley.

My main intention was to have a Thai Massage at Thai Odyssey. I've been wanting to try Thai massage ever since my colleague mention it's a massage that can be performed even when you are fully clothed on. Anyway, I need to release my stress. It's crazy. Works were driving me crazy.

I wanted to watch Xmen too but because I arrived quite late due to congestion and it took me almost 1 hour before I got a parking space, so i decided not to. Otherwise I'd end up going back late to home and will get scolding by my parents.

When I first got there, I chose the package that I wanted. I was asked to pay first. I can't remember the exact amount that I had to pay but if I'm not mistaken, it's about RM100 in total.

A Thai woman washed my feet and brought me to a room.

The room was dimly lit with a standing fan. I'm glad it's not air conditioned because I don't quite like the coldness (the usual environment when I did my facial).

I was asked to change into a pajamas. Yes a pajamas. An oversize and comfortable pajamas ;)

Then the masssaging session began. It was excruciating painful... well at some point la. At some time it was ticklish. LOL. One of the reasons why I prefer Thai massage because it does not require you to be naked or exposed your body to a stranger.

The whole massage took about 1 hour.

Overall it was a good experience. Thing like this need to be done once in a lifetime. My motto: we need to try everything once in a lifetime as long as it's not against the Islamic law or human law.
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