Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Teater Badai Semalam

Malas nak update tapi rase cam nak merakamkan detik-detik memori first time pergi tengok theatre :P

I went to watch Badai Semalam with my mum :-)

It was my first time watching a theater so I was esctatic!!

However a lot of things happened that really tested my patience.. One of them was when my payment was not captured. So we had to exchange our original seats that were worth RM150 and settled for cheaper ones which cost RM70 :-( They returned back our balance money thankfully.. Otherwise I'd have created a major scene. Yeah right. Haha.

It was my first time going to Istana Budaya. Kurang kekelasan. Harap maklum. Anda yang ada kelas tu sila dok sana diam2. Macam rusa masuk kampung pon ade.
I looked fat... I AM FAT :'(
Really they need to improve on the signage. There's no clear direction as to where is the entrance to the Istana Budaya, or entrance to the theatre, or direction to the cafeteria. For somebody jakun like us, memang felt a bit difficult to breeze through.

My take on the story: Ceritanya boleh tahan.. Typical Malay story. Not much impact on me probably the script pun too short. Cannot really see the development of the characters. I was bored at some points because I bukan berjiwa sastera so I don't appreciate the poetic phrases used. It wasn't a total snooze fest though because there were some comic relief moments occasionally. I enjoyed their performances nevertheless, which is a given since they're all A-list actors. Love the OST but did not manage to get my hands on the CD :'( There's one particular song that I really like, which was sung by Fizz Fairuz, when Zaki's heart got broken by Mazni...

Conclusion: I reckon melodrama is not really my cup of tea. If I were to watch another theater, it'd be a funny musical like Lat The Musical. Sekian :)
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