Tuesday, July 15, 2014

La Tahzan Ya Palestinians

Assalamualaikum & Ramadhan Kareem :)

During this holy month of Ramadhan, our Muslim brothers and sisters are under attack mercilessly by the IDF (Israel Defence Forces) aka Zionist laknatullah. It was claimed that the kidnapping and killing of 3 Israeli youngsters were done by Hamas, which consequently started the blood bath. There is NO CONCRETE evidence that it was Hamas' doing. In my view, Israeli used this opportunity excuse to terrorise Gaza, their nemesis. They could have been more civilised and deal with this diplomatically. Why does everything has to end up in a barbaric action????!

Having said this, I don't condone the killing of 3 Israeli teenagers, regardless who did it. No innocent lives should be taken. Something smells fishy somewhere... It could be someone (and may not be Hamas) who tried to instigate this bloody war between Hamas & Zionist laknatullah. Wallahualam...

While Israel laknatullah has sophisticated Merkava tanks, F-16 air jets & naval vessels, our brigade Al-Qassam only relies on home made rockets, du'a and prayers. The former has a US funded iron dome that shield them from Hamas rockets & shelter for their citizens. Gaza??? Have NONE of this! 

What rile me up the most is US's stand on this issue. They are not willing to negotiate with Hamas because apparently Hamas is a terrorist organisation. *flip table* Are you kidding me?? Then WHAT IS ZIONIST??? What gave them the right to brazenly massacre innocent civiliians (women, children, elders), destroying houses/buildings???

Analogy: If a US civilian was murdered and it was suspected that a Canadian citizen was the culprit, would the US hastily launch an attack on Canada? No. Right??? It's because of the diplomatic relationship between these two countries.

But for the two countries (is Israel even a legitimate country??) with escalating tension between them, they are like ticking bombs and a war is simply inevitable in this situation, which result in casualties & fatalities (and in this case only the Palestinians). This is simply outrageous!

Is it wrong for the Palestinians to retaliate when their lands are taken away? Do we just sit still when we are bombarded? Do we just succumb to all kinds of siege put on us?

I just hope for the war to be over soon. What kind of injustice is this in this holy month of Ramadhan? Both sides need to concede to a ceasefire. If Hamas demands the release of Palestinians detained using administrative detention, so be it! Who the hell are you arresting & detaining people with no trials????! That is totally unfair & atrocious!! You think that the killing of 3 Isreali teenagers warrant a war, but did you ever think of what you did to the Palestinians all this while?


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