Do you or do you not touch typing?
I touch typed. ^^ It simply means that you use your keyboard in a correct way. You place your fingers on the home keys ASDF and JKL; and you don't have to look at the keyboard while typing ie. you look at the screen when you're typing.
I learnt touch typing when i was in standard 2 or 3. When i was in primary school, i joined the Computer Club when i was in standard 2. I guess that's where my interest was born. It was hard at first because you have to practise not to take a peek on your keyboards. I don't know when i got better and was able to type without having to sneak a peek once or twice. I love touch typing because i can type faster. To get use to type touching, you need to practise and type loads and loads. Eventually your muscle will memorise where those keys are and naturally they'll know which key to hit :D
Of course some people have different ways for typing faster ^^ It's not even a requirement to put your fingers on the home keys. As long as you can type faster, any methods are fine i guess.
Anyway, the Computer Club was the best thing ever. There was only 1 teacher but there weren't that many students so he was able to help us individually when we were having problems. Unfortunately the Computer Club couldn't go on anymore when i was in Standard 5 because of financial problems (Our school is a private but poor school and relies on the donation of generous and rich people ^^). So i graduated in standard 4 with MS Words and MS Excel skills. I got a certificate for it :D
What i love the most about the Computer Club is not just about the nice and gentle teacher. It was because after a lesson ended or if we finished our task early (the club was supposed to finish at 430pm), we were allowed to play games :D My favourite was Prince of Persia!
I remembered being quite a gamer in those days. My father bought a computer when i was in standard 4. hehehe. Agak lambat kan? So every day after i got back from school around 3pm, i'd play Rayman until it was time for me to go to tuition. I remembered almost completing the levels.. Was it 99 or something? Can't remember. I also play Warcraft using the CD (i don't think there's a Warcraft online gaming at that time when i was in primary school..) and Diablo i think. But Diablo was more like uhh.. first shooter game or something.. whereas Warcraft is more of a strategy game which i preferred. When i grew older, i eventually grew out from gamings. I occasionally do play games from time to time but not heavily. It was a much more hated hobby by my parents i reckon (more than drawing yes). There were several occasions when i was playing KH or Atelier Iris until 3 or 4am and my Dad got out from the room and growled at me to get me to go to bed. Yeah the PS2 was in the living room just outside my parents' bedroom unfortunately.