Sunday, October 24, 2010

Malaysian Spaghetti My Style

One of my forte in cooking is spaghetti. My expertise in cooking is cooking Western food with Malaysian taste in it ;)

I'm too lazy to describe step by step but I hope everyone can get a gist of what I'm doing through these pictures (:






I used Prego yeah :D


Added lotsa Maggi chilli sauce, white & black pepper. HOT HOYEAH!

Yah that's why it is called Malaysian Spaghetti. I like it spicy, a total opposite of the original Italian pasta!



Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Colourful & Wonderful

All engineers but with different helmet colours, which tells that we are from different department except for Production where some of us would wear the white one and others yellow one ;)

Monday, October 4, 2010

Bukit Gambang Water Park Resort City

Took 2 days off on Friday and Saturday to attend my mum's office's family day at Bukit Gambang Water Park, Pahang. The events were boring to death but the resort we stayed in were so cool. It's like an apartment with a kitchenette. Love it!

I'm not into water activities so even though the water park was quite fantastic, I didn't really fancy it. I wanted to try the outdoor activities but not enough time. I wanted to do jungle trekking and flying fox. They also got ATV rides that I wanted to try but couldn't :(

The buffet breakfast were terrible. Serious.

We ditched the family event because it was mostly for kids and we were bored to death. So we decided to hit the water park. We took a tram to the water park.

What a ripped off! Forgot how much was it but it was total ripped off...

Sitting around while my brother had his fun...

My bro said this ride wasn't amazing.


The area is actually quite beautiful because it is surrounded by the greens. Nature. I love it!

My bro said THIS ride was bloody cool and mind blowing.
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