Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Chiefs for Super Rugby 2012 Champion!

Assalamualaikum rugby fans!

I am thrilled that my favourite super rugby team, Chiefs, was the champ for Super Rugby 2012 last Saturday!!!!

The Sharks' defense is quite solid but they made a lot of mistakes during passing the ball. I think the best try in this final game was by Tim Nanai-Williams (the 1st try). Aided by the skilful started kick by Aaron Cruden. I also noticed that the opponents were aiming Tawera Kerr-Barlow a lot. Maybe they knew that TKB is usually quick with the ball & always very enthusiastic. He's a great scrum-half. I hope he'll be in the All Blacks squad soon!

This is probably the best birthday present for Sonny Bill Williams. His birthday was a day before the game. Even sweeter, Chiefs championing the Super Rugby 2012 is also perhaps the best farewell gift for SBW before he left for Japan.

He even scored a brilliant try on his last game!!
Victory haka <3
Mean haka by the Chiefs led by Hika Elliot. My boyfriend, Aaron Cruden, fearlessly at the front~~

Sonny Bill Williams will be missed dearly. I was even planning to go to NZ next year to watch him play. It's such a lost. He was a great rugby player.
I wished that was ME!!!!!
Saranghae~ to me HAHAHA *delusional*
Good bye SBW! Please come back soon!!! If not soon, at least come back for Rugby World Cup 2015!!!!!

All images above are taken from Sonny Bill Williams World tumblr. Please support them!

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Ramadhan 1433 Hijrah


More power to me for prolific blogging this month *tetibe*

Anyway, the day before 1st of Ramadhan (on Friday), I went to perform Zohor prayer at my company's surau and was handed a leaflet containing timetable for Solat during Ramadhan & Race of Ramadhan. This is courtesy of ISMA (Ikatan Muslimin Malaysia).

What is Race of Ramadhan?? This was what intrigued me the most. It's like a scoreboard for a list of amal ibadah that you have done during Ramadhan. So basically, you just tick whatever amal ibadah you have accomplished.

Being a KIASU & an OCD, I am thrilled! I have never thought of such a nifty idea. I like the feeling of accomplishment so:
  1. I find this list very convenient to keep me on track during Ramadhan. Do as much as you can, at your own affordability with utmost sincerity. Add more ibadah. Please don't be rigid yeah.
  2. Just as befitting as the title of this list (Race of Ramadhan), don't you feel the excitement as you race to accomplish as many ibadah as you can?
Click below to download the Excel spreadsheet that I have made:

Of course this not an exhaustive list & you may add more ibadah that you may fine fitting~ The more, the better, correct? InsyaAllah, more power to us this Ramadhan :)
Narrated Abu Huraira:
The Prophet said, "Whoever established prayers on the night of Qadr out of sincere faith and hoping for a reward from Allah, then all his previous sins will be forgiven; and whoever fasts in the month of Ramadan out of sincere faith, and hoping for a reward from Allah, then all his previous sins will be forgiven."  

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Day 1 - 4: Liverpool, UK - Glendalough, Ireland


I'm bored so why not update on my 8-days trip to Ireland 8 years ago (20/12 - 27/12 2004). HAHAHA. #pathetic

This was my first winter vacation after I went to study abroad in the UK in 2004. I didn't have any plan so my mate invited me to go to PUISI in Ireland. PUISI stands for Perhimpunan Ukhuwwah Insaniyyah Seluruh Ireland (Overseas Students Winter Gathering in Ireland). #gasp I know shut up! LOL

Anyway, we went to Ireland via a ferry *gasp please* Save cost punye pasal <3 It was a terrible experience. Never again I will take a ferry for a long journey.

We departed from Liverpool at midnight. Our bus got into the ferry & we got off, venturing into the ferry. I barely remembered this trip actually. LOL. I don't even remember how long it took. We slept at the bar & I barely slept because it was so uncomfortable & noisy as they were loud people playing cards etc.

Sleeping at the bar
The youth hostel where we stayed at and the event place where all the ceramah, pengisian were conducted were quite far. I think it took 10-15 minutes walk but since it's the beginning of winter and the scenery through out the stroll is beautiful, it made the journey quite worth it.
PUISI 2004 - Malam Gema Islam
We went hiking or more like taking a stroll (?) after the ceramah ended to enjoy the beautiful scenery. Let the pictures speak for itself yeah?

Such a dork and no, that's not real snow

This is simply a place I'd love to live in. So majestic & full of lush greenery. I'd love to take a walk or go for a jog and at the same time enjoying Allah's creation~ That would be a bliss <3

Subhanallah the scenery is simply magnificent!
I even met a friend I made during BTN before we went abroad. See top picture below.
Where we stayed: International Youth Hostel
After lunch, in the afternoon, we finally headed to Galway...
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