A continuation to my previous
Ireland tour - Day 1 - 4. So, the next day, our group went to Galway for a 3 days stay (23 - 25 Dec '04). We arrived there around Maghrib if I'm not mistaken & stayed at a house full of aspiring doctors :-) Thanks for your hospitalisation :)
The very next morning we went to Cliff of Moher. That was such a phenomenal experience (although can't really beat my Swiss experience hehehe). It's more like I was captivated by the sheer beauty of the place! Subhanallah!!
I couldn't remember the fee for this tour. All I can recall is that we took a tour bus & mixed with other tourists. Definitely not helping for those reading my tour journal looking for informations. LOL. I also cannot remember the total expense for this trip but it's quite cheap considering that we paid little to none for accommodations thanks to all the Malaysian students all over Ireland ;) You're the best!
Top: Dunguaire Castle, Kinvara Village
Bottom: A too-happy me at Black Head lighthouse, Burren |
The fact that I was wearing gloves means that I could not tolerate the weather. p/s: Normally I only wear jumpers & no gloves even during winter. However, I think the weather in Ireland was surprisingly colder than in Manchester.
Top-Left: O'Brien Tower, Cliff of Moher
Top-Right & Bottom: Majestic Cliff of Moher |
Photo above is taken at a spot where the wind was blowing too strongly. We were pretty sure we'd be blown away if were thinner. Look at how hard it took for us to take the pictures!
Hilang ayu sudah hahaha.
As we headed back to our bus, hailstones (imagine tiny ice cubes) hit us out of a sudden!! It hurts but no one was injured :-P In my time abroad, I had experienced two hailstones events. Here in Ireland & in Manchester (while we were having dinner).
Top: Poulnabrone Dolmen, Burren, County Clare, Ireland
Bottom: SHEEPSSSSSSSSSSSSSS~~~~ at Burren. I freaking love SHEEPS!!!! |
We woke up to the 1st snow in Galway on Christmas~ It was very light though & lasted for awhile only. I took picture using my phone & lost it when I switched phone :-(
We headed to Dublin at night.... if I'm not mistaken. Hehehe.
To be continued...