Monday, December 19, 2011

Horse Riding

Last Sunday, we went horse riding at Extreme PD Buggy Trek - AS Equestrian Center (Mantin, Negeri Sembilan). Now I can scratch off "horse riding" from my to-do list! It was fantastic! I felt like making it a hobby except it's an expensive hobby D:

I bought vouchers for this horse riding activities from Groupon for a value of RM125 (if I'm not mistaken). The trainers were nice and friendly. The horse I rode was a handsome one and his name is King. It reminds me of my then hamster which I named King.

Practise makes perfect!
We practise riding the horse in the compound (as pic above) for about 30 mins or so. It's not as easy as it might look. Even mounting the horse proved to be a challenge.

In addition, the horse can be stubborn and wouldn't budge even if you kicked its side (which is a gesture you made to make the horse moving). Manoeuvring can be quite difficult too but I reckon once you get used to it, it'd be easy as ABC.
My horse is called "King" and that striped shirt guy was the owner
 After that, we went into the jungle for about 30 minutes or so. It was an amazing experience. Later when we returned back to the compound, we are taught how to trot. Boy that hurt! As in my bums!!!!! I don't know whether it's because I was doing it wrongly but it hurt!

It'd be great to do horse riding again. Well maybe when I have the cash :-)


Anonymous said...

waaaah, bestnyer
da lame ta horse riding )=

Jet said...

sy pon nk horse riding slalu tp mengundang kekopakan la kan. terhenti niat di situ uhuksssuhukss..

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