Saturday, November 15, 2008

Wind that could blow you away

At the moment, I'm addicted to this hilarious Korean variety called '1 Night 2 Days' (Casts: Kang Hodong, Lee Seung-gi, MC Mong, Kim C, Eun Jiwon and SuGeun), where they went to travel around Korea on a shoestring budget. There are games to decide who would be sleeping indoors or outside in the tent in the freezing cold and who would receive the money for foods. I've retired from Korean varieties for quite some time now but this is the best and wackiest show that managed to allure me back into the scene.

Anyway, this time they went to Udo Island, where the wind was so strong that it could pierce your skin and literally blows you away. Within this Udo Island, they went to JiduChungsa and climbed a cliff. The wind was so vigorous that it almost toppled Seung-gi off the cliff. Instantly, that reminds me of the time when I went to Cliff of Moher in Galway.

Me with Nawar, Jannah and Abby
Me with Nawar, Jannah and Abby

At this very particular spot, you won't be able to stand still and if you're super thin, you'll definitely collapse. The wind was too powerful. We even had a hard time trying to take a picture because we couldn't stay still. What an incredible experience. On top of that, just when we were about to head back to our bus, we were hit by hailstones in the freezing cold! It hurt like someone throws small pebbles at you...

This was taken during my 1st year. The only worth place to go when you're in Ireland (but that's because I found Dublin to be unexciting and I haven't been to Cork yet) :P

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Annoying sound

18. What kind of sounds are the most annoying?

Bang on my bedroom door. Some people just can't knock nicely and gently. They'd go to my room and went "bam bam" on the door. As if i was deaf! Ok i might be temporarily deaf when i'm listening to my headphone. However, when i'm asleep, i find it the most grating thing ever to be waken up by a loud bang! I can get serious headache afterwards because of the surprise wake up call....

People hammering their keyboards like they're furious or something....


In Old Town, this is the type of building you'll see. Ancient. Pavement made from stones. Tons of cafe.

At Edinburgh castle. If i'm not wrong, it's the castle of William Wallace, the great Scottish warrior. The one in "Braveheart". I seriously need to watch this film considering the rave reviews about it.

Ok kecacatan telah berlaku setelah resizing dlm photobucket cis.. Nevertheless this is the most beautiful garden i ever went to... Princess Street Garden.. It used to be a volcano then. It erupted and dead for good. It overlooked the Edinburgh Castle. Loads of people were lazing around in the garden. Across the Princess Street is the... popular shopping places :D Heaven... Knackered from plenty of shoppings? Have a rest at Princess Street Garden ;)

Well i didn't go climb up the hill.... (Arthur's Seat).. because we were tired... We walked from Royal Mile to where the Arthur's Seat is. My mum didn't have the energy to climb it. It'd be fantastic if we had gone up but... i think this is already majestic :) If there's a Hindi music, i could have probably roll and roll on the ever beautiful vast green field... :P

Outside our apartment. It was crap. It looked like cheap flat. Once you reach the inside, you'll be gobsmack! It's beautifully furnished. Complete with washing machine, dvd player, books, two double beds, kitchen. It's a perfect family holiday. It's just like the apartment that we got in Swiss!!! Let's not talk about the creepiness. The apartment is perfectly fine. It's just that it gave me a chill down my spine on the first day. I don't know why but i always have a weird feeling when i went to an apartment, which had been deserted for awhile. The same thing happened when i was in Swiss. Ask the girls about it...

Someone looked happy :D

Edinburgh is definitely a place i'd love to visit again. 4 days were not enough to explore Edinburgh *____*

Sunday, June 1, 2008


I don't snore :P I know i don't because nobody complains about it :D I shared room with three others in MRSM Jasin and two others in KMS, but no one has ever said anything about me snoring. When i was in Jasin, all of them snored especially when they're tired. I'd pointed out to them flatly like that and made jokes about it. They didn't attack me back like "YOU SNORE TOO!". My roommates at KMS snored too. ^^;; ahahahahaha.

My parents never said anything about it too. In the contrary, all the members of my family snore. I remembered when we went to Cameron Highland last year and slept next to my mum. She was snoring profoundly and i couldn't sleep because of it! I even recorded her snore because she didn't believe it when i told her how loudly she snored! The same thing happened when we went to Pangkor and when we went to Johor to visit a deceased relative.

My brother is just as bad as my mum. When we went to Terengganu last year, i always shared the same double bed as him. He snored just as loud as my mum. I'd woke up and stuff his face with the extra pillow. My dad snores and i always caught it when he took a nap after doing some house chores.

So in the end i'm the only one who doesn't snore. Is this something that you should be proud of? LOL. I value sleep more than anything! :D

Friday, May 16, 2008


Your Birthdate: November 24

You understand people well and are a natural born therapist.
A peacemaker, people always seem to get along when you are around.
You tend to be a father or mother figure to friends, even to those older than you.
You enjoy your role, and you find that you are close to many people.
Your strength: Your devotionYour weakness: Reliance on others for happinessÂ

Your power color: Lilac

Your power symbol: Heart

Your power month: June

What Does Your Birth Date Mean?

My Personality





Openness to Experience






You rarely get angry and it takes a lot to make you angry, however you feel strong cravings and urges that you have difficulty resisting. You tend to prefer short-term pleasures and rewards over long-term consequences. You tend not to talk much and prefer to let others control the activities of groups. You prefer familiar routines and for things to stay the same. You can tend to feel uncomfortable with change. You do not like to claim that you are better than other people, and generally shy from talking yourself up, however you do not particularly like helping other people. Requests for help feel like an imposition on your time. You are a reasonably organized person and like to have a certain amount of routine in your life.
Take a Personality Test now or view the full Personality Report.

Survey Software

Comments from me:

  1. You rarely get angry and it takes a lot to make you angry: Yup. I read somewhere that people who's born in November has a big sense of humour and enjoy laughing. Yes. I enjoy laughing more and i rarely get work up over something. But i do get angry occasionally but as it said there, it takes a lot to make me angry...

  2. strong cravings and urges that you have difficulty resisting: Yeahhh... I tend to indulge into something too much that it's bad..

  3. prefer short-term pleasures and rewards: So true.. The result is procrastination to the max.

  4. not to talk much and prefer to let others control the activities of groups: Agree.

  5. prefer familiar routines and for things to stay the same: Yeah so-so..

  6. do not like to claim that you are better than other people, and generally shy from talking yourself up: I concur!

  7. do not particularly like helping other people: It's not that i don't like it. It's just that when i encounter a problem, i will try my best to rectify it on my own first. Only when it really doesn't work that i would ask for other people's help. So i expect others to do as much like that before asking me for help.

  8. organized person: OBJECT! LOL. It depends. If it's about my life, no, i'm not an organise person. I don't have a book that lays out what i'm going to do tomorrow or what i should accomplish today or tomorrow (I used to have one but i didn't follow...). I do have a widget planner but that is just to remind me things that i tend to forget. I'm more organise when it comes to arranging my manga collections, files. In short, i tend to prefer organising things that makes it easier to find. For example, i keep my past years subjects in files so when i wanna access it, it's easy to find what i'm looking for :D So that i don't waste my time and get all grumpy when i couldn't find what i'm looking for.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Touch Typing

Do you or do you not touch typing?

I touch typed. ^^ It simply means that you use your keyboard in a correct way. You place your fingers on the home keys ASDF and JKL; and you don't have to look at the keyboard while typing ie. you look at the screen when you're typing.

I learnt touch typing when i was in standard 2 or 3. When i was in primary school, i joined the Computer Club when i was in standard 2. I guess that's where my interest was born. It was hard at first because you have to practise not to take a peek on your keyboards. I don't know when i got better and was able to type without having to sneak a peek once or twice. I love touch typing because i can type faster. To get use to type touching, you need to practise and type loads and loads. Eventually your muscle will memorise where those keys are and naturally they'll know which key to hit :D

Of course some people have different ways for typing faster ^^ It's not even a requirement to put your fingers on the home keys. As long as you can type faster, any methods are fine i guess.

Anyway, the Computer Club was the best thing ever. There was only 1 teacher but there weren't that many students so he was able to help us individually when we were having problems. Unfortunately the Computer Club couldn't go on anymore when i was in Standard 5 because of financial problems (Our school is a private but poor school and relies on the donation of generous and rich people ^^). So i graduated in standard 4 with MS Words and MS Excel skills. I got a certificate for it :D

What i love the most about the Computer Club is not just about the nice and gentle teacher. It was because after a lesson ended or if we finished our task early (the club was supposed to finish at 430pm), we were allowed to play games :D My favourite was Prince of Persia!

I remembered being quite a gamer in those days. My father bought a computer when i was in standard 4. hehehe. Agak lambat kan? So every day after i got back from school around 3pm, i'd play Rayman until it was time for me to go to tuition. I remembered almost completing the levels.. Was it 99 or something? Can't remember. I also play Warcraft using the CD (i don't think there's a Warcraft online gaming at that time when i was in primary school..) and Diablo i think. But Diablo was more like uhh.. first shooter game or something.. whereas Warcraft is more of a strategy game which i preferred. When i grew older, i eventually grew out from gamings. I occasionally do play games from time to time but not heavily. It was a much more hated hobby by my parents i reckon (more than drawing yes). There were several occasions when i was playing KH or Atelier Iris until 3 or 4am and my Dad got out from the room and growled at me to get me to go to bed. Yeah the PS2 was in the living room just outside my parents' bedroom unfortunately.
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