Saturday, November 27, 2010

Facial at Amcorp Mall & Swedish Meatballs at IKEA

My brother and I went to a dentist for scaling

We ate at KFC after that.
Snack plate as usual! Yum yum!

After my brother went for his Friday prayer, we went to Amcorp Mall because I have facial appointment with Assata.

The facial was brilliant. The beautician was friendly and nice. Instead of 2 hours, it became 3 hours. The facial was very thorough with strong massage. I was impressed. After finished, she introduced me to a range of Assata products that she suggested I should purchase to further improve my skin condition.

At first I didn't want to buy it but because the 1st treatment was so great I was like why not? So for RM1500, paid by installment for 12 months *sigh*, I bought some of their products and 3 x pore minimising treatments.


I used these products for 2 weeks day and night as recommended. It was hard labour for me hehehe using them day and night, coming from someone who usually cleanse her face in the morning only. Well, to be honest, I did not see that much of improvements.

My skin became drier and drier especially around the nose where it is heavily applied to remove clogged pores and reduce pore size. I did not see any improvements in my pore size or my skin condition other than drier skin.It irked me so much that the skin was so dry that I have to use a lot of moisturiser to reduce the dryness, which kinda defeats the purpose actually. If I used a lot of moisturiser, then my skin will get oilier but if I don't, then my skin will get flakey and dry, which I absolutely loath.

Even worse, I also had break outs, not acne, but this white pimple things which is absolutely disgusting. I can tahan/bear with it if it's normal acne/red pimple, but white pimples are absolutely gross on my face.

So I sort of half regret that I succumbed and bought these products when it's not working or not suitable for my skin TT___TT I could have saved a lot of money if I didn't buy these stuffs and could have bought other stuffs that I've been dreaming to like a new wardrobe and book shelves and treadmill...

I even regretted this after my 2nd trip to Assata. This time it's not the same beautician. My opinions: Her work is mediocre. Her massage wasn't powerful. I could not see any difference before and after the facial compared to my very 1st trip. Is it because I have paid for the RM1500 so now you can treat me half-arsed? Maybe because it's a different beautician... *sigh*

Now that I've learned my lesson, I'm just gonna go back to the normal RM30 per facial treatment per month. At least they don't try to sell me products. I mean I don't mind an expensive facial treatment or even super expensive products if it actually works. It pissed me off if they are expensive and it didn't work =___= Isn't there any skin care centre where I can just go and get my face pampered without saleswoman trying to make me buy their stuffs??? *sigh*


Around 730PM, we went to IKEA at Damansara Utama. Gosh what a heavy traffic it was that night. It's a given la kot because people got back from work etc since it was Friday after all.

We arrived around 8.30PM and straight went to the diner place where they sold the famous Swedish Meatballs. As we were hungry like hell, we bought a lot of foods other than the Swedish Meatballs.

I bought this but it didn't taste very nice. The taste was quite bland if I must say.

I only bought 5 meatballs. It really lives up to its review. Very tasty, nothing like I've eaten before. <3 Worth the money and it's not that bloody expensive either.

Then we went around IKEA because I wanna buy a new wardrobe and book shelves. I registered for IKEA credit card because I figured if I wanted to buy furniture from IKEA, I need to pay by installments. *broke* I know that a lot of people don't recommend buying furniture from IKEA, but oh well, the other furniture outlet is too expensive for my budget :( It's not like I suke2 mau beli from IKEA...

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Papa John's

Went to Berjaya Times Square to do facial at Assata but "magically" turned out that my appointment was actually next week! I was so furious. Because last week when I made an appointment, she set the date for this Sunday. She must have written the wrong date or I misheard her.

We went to eat at Papa John's. This was my 3rd time eating at Papa John's ever since I was introduced by a mate.

I love everything about it. The pizza is of softer texture and chewy. I love the sauce as well even though it's not hot and it doesn't taste like tomato ketchup either, which is brilliant.

I also ordered their cheese bread and it tasted delicious too!

This was my main dish. Mushroom cheese baked rice! <3 Eating it with the Papa John's sauce made it even tastier!

Unfortunately, my brother doesn't like the taste.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Lasagna Malaysian Style

So yesterday I decided to bake a lasagna :) This was my 2nd time baking one. The 1st time was when I was in UK (during my 2nd year to be precise). I ate a lot of lasagna when I was in UK. Only £2 and it was tasty as hell, which make me want to learn how to make one. Hehehe.

So below are a bunch of pictures of the process and like usual I'm too lazy to describe the step by step process. Really there's no boundaries when it comes to cooking. I just chuck everything in ;)


Italian sausages are recommended but who cares, I just used whatever's available in my fridge :D

So you brown the minced meat, the sausages. Well you know the drill. Then add mushrooms. Not in the recipe but whatever..

Yeah and Parsley and nutmegs..


I used Prego Traditional tomato paste. You're advised to add crushed tomatoes but I add none because I hate tomatoes and I hate my pasta/lasagna to taste very tomato-ish or sour eww.

Added loads of Maggi chilli sauce, black pepper & white pepper.


For the cheese sauce:

In the recipe that I followed, they used Ricotta cheese but I ain't got any because I forgot to buy one so I used Mozarella cheese. Hahaha. Throw in some eggs, some milk (to make the sauce thicker), a bit of nutmegs and parsley...


Soaked the lasagna noodles in the hot water.

Put some olive oil on the baking pan. Just use anything really: butter or cooking oil. Well as long as the baking pan is finely greased..

The base:


Cheese sauce and on top of that sprinkle some Parmesan cheese:

Meat sauce:

Then noodles>>cheese sauce + Parmesan cheese>>meat sauce>>Parmesan cheese:

Cover the baking pan with aluminum foil. Then put inside the pre-heated oven at 175 degrees for 30 minutes or until it's cooked..


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