Sunday, May 27, 2012

Sungai Chilling, Kuala Kubu Bharu


Last Sat, I went for a team building activity at Sungai Chilling organised by my company and it was awesome! We had a very hilarious & bubbly host and other facilitators to guide us through this team building activities. I would definitely go there again!!

We had plenty of fun games & out of all these games, I enjoyed the tug of war games in the stream! I scraped my toes because of the friction with the hard sand under the water when struggling to tug to the blanket (yes we used 2 blankets tied together instead of a rope lol). We won in the first round but lost in the 2nd round and had to settle as the 1st runner up. The loser got water thrown at them by the winner and I was soaking wet from head to toe because of this!

The beautiful stream where we played tug of war
By the way, my friend told me that there were fishes in that stream (pic above) but I didn't get the chance to play around with them or snapped a few photos of them. Time constraint here which was a shame.

So we started hiking towards the famous waterfall. I believe it's famous because it's beautiful, got a lot of fishes, a reserved area and did I say beautiful? For a nature lover like me, this is an amazing experience.

Anyway, the hiking roughly took about 45 minutes or so? I can't really remember haha. We crossed about 5-6 rivers? I can't really remember because my mind was obviously too occupied with the majestic surrounding. 

The deepest of the river can go as high as my waist (I'm 160 cm tall). It was quite slippery and there were a lot of rocks so one needs to be extremely careful especially since the current can be quite strong at times. 

In addition, I strongly recommend you to wear rubber shoes - crocs for example. I was stubborn plus stingy (not a good combo I tell ya) thus I wore whatever shoes available, which was my hiking shoes. Although it provided a powerful traction particularly when crossing the river, but the EVIL SANDS happily got into my shoes. I still didn't mind at that time but when we reached our destination which was the waterfall, I washed my shoes but didn't feel like putting on my socks back when we were about to leave as they were wet. So returning back to our starting point was quite hellish because the sands got into my shoes and the friction between the sand and my bare feet got me blisters :-( Plus I scrapped my toes earlier and that had gotten worse & swollen! Anyway, the trails along the way were wet and muddy so yeah it's best to wear rubber shoes.

Subhanallah the view~

Our destination. Pencemaran mata di situ if you look carefully. LMFAO.
 I guess I want to give out a few tips when you go to this place:

  1. Wear comfortable clothes. Typical me, I'd wear something black/dark especially when you know that you'll get wet. I hate it if my bra lines were showing etc. For Muslim women, it's probably best if you wear hijab that covers your chest. So unless if you don't care about all these things, skip to the next tips.
  2. Wear rubber shoes. Crocs for examples because along the way it's very muddy & wet. Not very advisable to wear normal shoes.
  3. Bring a change of clothings. You can change in the toilet which consists of 3 cubicles. There's no mirror by the way. Therefore, bring your own if you're particular about your look.
  4. There's a surau but it's unisex. LOL. So maybe you want to play osom or onetwojus (ie rock-paper-scissors) between boys and girls on who got to pray first?
  5. Don't litter please! The place is conserved. Even the toilets, lamp posts etc were operated by solar systems solar energy systems!
  6. Bring your own snacks. There was a solitary stall selling some snacks but according to my friends, it was quite expensive. I'm guessing because they monopolise the business giving them the liberty to step-up the price. You can leave them in your car although there is some distance between the parking area (which is at the side of the road btw) and the real entrance (maybe about 10 mins walk). 
  7. Beware of monkeys!! Therefore you can't just leave your stuffs at the compound while you happily go hiking.

We are #ohsem engineers!!!!


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