Sunday, October 21, 2012

Karaoke at Redbox, Sunway Pyramid

Assalamualaikum semua!

So today my mate & I went for a karok session at Redbox, Sunway Pyramid. Karok is one of my favourite past times. An effective way to release all the stress apart from sewing...

We sesat OK! My friend arrived first & she tawaf around the area 3 times but couldn't find the place! Hahaha! The place is actually just outside of Sunway Pyramid (still within the premise though). With little signboard, it's quite confusing. I gave up because I didn't wanna waste time, thus I asked a waiter. Once you went outside, you need to turn right & walk until the end, then you turn left, go down the staircase & it's on your left!!

We arrived there at 11.30 AM, which is the lunch hour as we planned. It's the cheapest out of all the other hours. Imagine karok in the morning HAHA! Our session is actually until 1.30 PM, but we extended until 3 PM. Us two karok until lebam for 3 hours & we still think it's not enough! Gile!


We got a small room, given we're only a party of two! So it was cozy but not much space to "move around" (if ya know what I mean). The room is sound proof. No one will hear you croaking ;-)

It's also clean & no weird odour... (I really can't stand room with cigs smell!).

kawan tengah layan jiwang
There's a touch-screen TV for us to choose our favourite songs. You just need to type your favourite artists or songs. It's pretty snazzy except that I found it troublesome, having to turn my body sideways to use it. I didn't come here to exercise ok...

FOODS: 4/10

Since we were in the lunch hour, we got to choose from a variety of meals for our lunch, ranging from RM14++ - 20++. We both picked Spicy Seafood Fried Rice:

  1. It's NOT SPICY! -___-
  2. It's bland.... dia orang kehabisan stok garam kot *fikir positif*
  3. SEAFOOD means 1 ring of squid & 2 bijik small crab sticks. LOL. I give up... I didn't even finished my meal...

In the span of 3 hours, we were served 3 drinks each (mine were hot tea, ice lemon tea & mineral water). I didn't even have to bring my own drinking water as these were sufficient for me.


OK I forgave you for not having The Wanted's new single "I Found You" (I so adore the high pitch chorus!) but how could you not have Freddy Mercury's "I Was Born To Love You"???? I remembered I karok to this song when I was at Senawang's cikai (a bit rundown) karaoke box!!!

How is it possible that you didn't have The Kooks' hit "Is It Me"???? How could you???????

My wajib nyanyi songs: 

OOoooh!! I think I'll be making "Fantasia Bulan Madu" by Search, my new wajib nyanyi song. A super awesome song to karok to!!!

I need to recall a song that either my mate or I sang where we all were jumping up & down like a bunch of chimpanzees during karok session at News KTV Seremban Parade.


Go there as early as 11 AM and start croaking karoking until you got no voice anymore HAHAHA. From 11.30 AM - 3 PM, we paid about RM35 each after tax & service charge. I find it a reasonable price. I mean I could go on until I have to pay for RM50 but we got other commitments...

Final verdict: I definitely would love to come again! We're planning to make this activity our monthly activity. Hehehe. However, I do hope they broaden the song choices.

Thursday, September 20, 2012



COME, SEE & BUY MY PRELOVED ITEMS (from zleqha *screamsssss* & jojet shawls)!


Hahahaha. Jangan caps boleh??! Macam arahan wajib beli je ni! Keji gile!!

Tidur jap. Esok sambung promosi lagik. Hahaha.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Day 5 - 6: Galway, Ireland


A continuation to my previous Ireland tour - Day 1 - 4. So, the next day, our group went to Galway for a 3 days stay (23 - 25 Dec '04). We arrived there around Maghrib if I'm not mistaken & stayed at a house full of aspiring doctors :-) Thanks for your hospitalisation :)

The very next morning we went to Cliff of Moher. That was such a phenomenal experience (although can't really beat my Swiss experience hehehe). It's more like I was captivated by the sheer beauty of the place! Subhanallah!!

I couldn't remember the fee for this tour. All I can recall is that we took a tour bus & mixed with other tourists. Definitely not helping for those reading my tour journal looking for informations. LOL. I also cannot remember the total expense for this trip but it's quite cheap considering that we paid little to none for accommodations thanks to all the Malaysian students all over Ireland ;) You're the best!
Top: Dunguaire Castle, Kinvara Village
Bottom: A too-happy me at Black Head lighthouse, Burren
The fact that I was wearing gloves means that I could not tolerate the weather. p/s: Normally I only wear jumpers & no gloves even during winter. However, I think the weather in Ireland was surprisingly colder than in Manchester.

Top-Left: O'Brien Tower, Cliff of Moher
Top-Right & Bottom: Majestic Cliff of Moher

Photo above is taken at a spot where the wind was blowing too strongly. We were pretty sure we'd be blown away if were thinner. Look at how hard it took for us to take the pictures! Hilang ayu sudah hahaha.

As we headed back to our bus, hailstones (imagine tiny ice cubes) hit us out of a sudden!! It hurts but no one was injured :-P In my time abroad, I had experienced two hailstones events. Here in Ireland & in Manchester (while we were having dinner).
Top: Poulnabrone Dolmen, Burren, County Clare, Ireland
Bottom: SHEEPSSSSSSSSSSSSSS~~~~ at Burren. I freaking love SHEEPS!!!!
We woke up to the 1st snow in Galway on Christmas~ It was very light though & lasted for awhile only. I took picture using my phone & lost it when I switched phone :-(

We headed to Dublin at night.... if I'm not mistaken. Hehehe.

To be continued...

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Chiefs for Super Rugby 2012 Champion!

Assalamualaikum rugby fans!

I am thrilled that my favourite super rugby team, Chiefs, was the champ for Super Rugby 2012 last Saturday!!!!

The Sharks' defense is quite solid but they made a lot of mistakes during passing the ball. I think the best try in this final game was by Tim Nanai-Williams (the 1st try). Aided by the skilful started kick by Aaron Cruden. I also noticed that the opponents were aiming Tawera Kerr-Barlow a lot. Maybe they knew that TKB is usually quick with the ball & always very enthusiastic. He's a great scrum-half. I hope he'll be in the All Blacks squad soon!

This is probably the best birthday present for Sonny Bill Williams. His birthday was a day before the game. Even sweeter, Chiefs championing the Super Rugby 2012 is also perhaps the best farewell gift for SBW before he left for Japan.

He even scored a brilliant try on his last game!!
Victory haka <3
Mean haka by the Chiefs led by Hika Elliot. My boyfriend, Aaron Cruden, fearlessly at the front~~

Sonny Bill Williams will be missed dearly. I was even planning to go to NZ next year to watch him play. It's such a lost. He was a great rugby player.
I wished that was ME!!!!!
Saranghae~ to me HAHAHA *delusional*
Good bye SBW! Please come back soon!!! If not soon, at least come back for Rugby World Cup 2015!!!!!

All images above are taken from Sonny Bill Williams World tumblr. Please support them!

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Ramadhan 1433 Hijrah


More power to me for prolific blogging this month *tetibe*

Anyway, the day before 1st of Ramadhan (on Friday), I went to perform Zohor prayer at my company's surau and was handed a leaflet containing timetable for Solat during Ramadhan & Race of Ramadhan. This is courtesy of ISMA (Ikatan Muslimin Malaysia).

What is Race of Ramadhan?? This was what intrigued me the most. It's like a scoreboard for a list of amal ibadah that you have done during Ramadhan. So basically, you just tick whatever amal ibadah you have accomplished.

Being a KIASU & an OCD, I am thrilled! I have never thought of such a nifty idea. I like the feeling of accomplishment so:
  1. I find this list very convenient to keep me on track during Ramadhan. Do as much as you can, at your own affordability with utmost sincerity. Add more ibadah. Please don't be rigid yeah.
  2. Just as befitting as the title of this list (Race of Ramadhan), don't you feel the excitement as you race to accomplish as many ibadah as you can?
Click below to download the Excel spreadsheet that I have made:

Of course this not an exhaustive list & you may add more ibadah that you may fine fitting~ The more, the better, correct? InsyaAllah, more power to us this Ramadhan :)
Narrated Abu Huraira:
The Prophet said, "Whoever established prayers on the night of Qadr out of sincere faith and hoping for a reward from Allah, then all his previous sins will be forgiven; and whoever fasts in the month of Ramadan out of sincere faith, and hoping for a reward from Allah, then all his previous sins will be forgiven."  

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Day 1 - 4: Liverpool, UK - Glendalough, Ireland


I'm bored so why not update on my 8-days trip to Ireland 8 years ago (20/12 - 27/12 2004). HAHAHA. #pathetic

This was my first winter vacation after I went to study abroad in the UK in 2004. I didn't have any plan so my mate invited me to go to PUISI in Ireland. PUISI stands for Perhimpunan Ukhuwwah Insaniyyah Seluruh Ireland (Overseas Students Winter Gathering in Ireland). #gasp I know shut up! LOL

Anyway, we went to Ireland via a ferry *gasp please* Save cost punye pasal <3 It was a terrible experience. Never again I will take a ferry for a long journey.

We departed from Liverpool at midnight. Our bus got into the ferry & we got off, venturing into the ferry. I barely remembered this trip actually. LOL. I don't even remember how long it took. We slept at the bar & I barely slept because it was so uncomfortable & noisy as they were loud people playing cards etc.

Sleeping at the bar
The youth hostel where we stayed at and the event place where all the ceramah, pengisian were conducted were quite far. I think it took 10-15 minutes walk but since it's the beginning of winter and the scenery through out the stroll is beautiful, it made the journey quite worth it.
PUISI 2004 - Malam Gema Islam
We went hiking or more like taking a stroll (?) after the ceramah ended to enjoy the beautiful scenery. Let the pictures speak for itself yeah?

Such a dork and no, that's not real snow

This is simply a place I'd love to live in. So majestic & full of lush greenery. I'd love to take a walk or go for a jog and at the same time enjoying Allah's creation~ That would be a bliss <3

Subhanallah the scenery is simply magnificent!
I even met a friend I made during BTN before we went abroad. See top picture below.
Where we stayed: International Youth Hostel
After lunch, in the afternoon, we finally headed to Galway...

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Unboxing KEEN Pompeian Red Stripe Newport H2



I finally bought Keen shoes!! It's for the white water rafting session that I'll be going this Saturday with my other 3 mates~

It's the newly released Newport H2!!!

Bought at World of Outdoors at e@Curve after work with my Mum. I actually wanted to buy Teva Omnium so prior to going to the shop itself, I called up World of Sports/Outdoors outlets (e@Curve & Subang Parade) to enquire whether they're selling this brand or not. Glad that I called up first. Save time & car park fee. #shopping #tips

They told me they do have plenty of Teva but for that particular brand, they don't have. Now here come the best part. They said they got Keen, which is a much better brand! I was smiling from ear to ear. I've always wanted a Keen but to my knowledge, it wasn't available in Malaysia after much surveying the net. The news alone brought out the inner shopalistic (ie shopaholics + aninmalistic = kebuasan membazirkan duit????) in me.

Pompeian Red Stripe

Budget = RM200-300
Real cost = *pengsan jap* ~RM400

Original price is RM400+++ but I signed up for their WoS membership after much persuasion from the SAs. The membership fee was about RM50 if I'm not mistaken. So once you signed up, you immediately entitled to 15% discount. Got nothing to lose there. Save about RM15. Besides, I am known for being a KIASU anyway. Maybe I wanna buy their hiking bag or camping set or hiking tools or windbreakers in the future. I call this WORTHY OF AN INVESTMENT #trueshopaholics

Why is it worthy of an investment? See below:

  1. Not just for this white water rafting session, insyaAllah I'm planning to wear this for any water sports activities in the future. There'll probably be more in the future (water abseilling!!!! ATV riding!!!). I don't want any blister feet from wearing hiking shoes when crossing rivers etc.
  2. I also wear this to office sometimes :-D Ade aku kesah???!
  3. It's very comfy, breathable & at the same time stylish~
Lot No 1-36.1-36A, 1-37, 1-38, 1-39,&1-39A
Jalan PJU 7/3, Mutiara Damansara
47810 Petaling Jaya,
Tel: +603 7727 8212

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Paradigm Mall, Kelana Jaya


Last Friday was a replacement public holiday for my company. Sila jeles :-P and thank you Agong because your birthday made this possible! So I went on a date..... with my mate (kenape perlu dot dot itu??) at Paradigm Mall; the newly opened chic mall in Kelana Jaya.

The mall is literally 5-10 minutes drive from my company's carpark (WITHOUT traffic congestion la). Basically mean nothing to me pon because I rarely eat outside anyway. Cost saving OK. Kate nak....... (lagik dot dot itu). 

I like it loads because it got Sephora. Now I no need to go to KLCC just to buy my PeterThomas Roth cleanser.

Steep escalator
Escalator lagik! Because I can!
BIG mall calls for BIG surau as well. Alhamdulillah the place is aplenty :-D Hopefully we did not forget to perform our duty as a loyal servant to Allah in the midst of shopping insyaAllah :)

The surau is quite spacious

Then we ate at The Loaf. I've been wanting to try out The Loaf since ages ago. These were what we ate but I can't remember their names. LOL. The taste wasn't so bad but then again, it's not like top of the world or anything.. It's quite pricey too. For what I ate, it costed me about RM20++.

Love the Uhuhu cheese cake. It's so cute~~



Uhuhu & Hot Tea

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Sungai Chilling, Kuala Kubu Bharu


Last Sat, I went for a team building activity at Sungai Chilling organised by my company and it was awesome! We had a very hilarious & bubbly host and other facilitators to guide us through this team building activities. I would definitely go there again!!

We had plenty of fun games & out of all these games, I enjoyed the tug of war games in the stream! I scraped my toes because of the friction with the hard sand under the water when struggling to tug to the blanket (yes we used 2 blankets tied together instead of a rope lol). We won in the first round but lost in the 2nd round and had to settle as the 1st runner up. The loser got water thrown at them by the winner and I was soaking wet from head to toe because of this!

The beautiful stream where we played tug of war
By the way, my friend told me that there were fishes in that stream (pic above) but I didn't get the chance to play around with them or snapped a few photos of them. Time constraint here which was a shame.

So we started hiking towards the famous waterfall. I believe it's famous because it's beautiful, got a lot of fishes, a reserved area and did I say beautiful? For a nature lover like me, this is an amazing experience.

Anyway, the hiking roughly took about 45 minutes or so? I can't really remember haha. We crossed about 5-6 rivers? I can't really remember because my mind was obviously too occupied with the majestic surrounding. 

The deepest of the river can go as high as my waist (I'm 160 cm tall). It was quite slippery and there were a lot of rocks so one needs to be extremely careful especially since the current can be quite strong at times. 

In addition, I strongly recommend you to wear rubber shoes - crocs for example. I was stubborn plus stingy (not a good combo I tell ya) thus I wore whatever shoes available, which was my hiking shoes. Although it provided a powerful traction particularly when crossing the river, but the EVIL SANDS happily got into my shoes. I still didn't mind at that time but when we reached our destination which was the waterfall, I washed my shoes but didn't feel like putting on my socks back when we were about to leave as they were wet. So returning back to our starting point was quite hellish because the sands got into my shoes and the friction between the sand and my bare feet got me blisters :-( Plus I scrapped my toes earlier and that had gotten worse & swollen! Anyway, the trails along the way were wet and muddy so yeah it's best to wear rubber shoes.

Subhanallah the view~

Our destination. Pencemaran mata di situ if you look carefully. LMFAO.
 I guess I want to give out a few tips when you go to this place:

  1. Wear comfortable clothes. Typical me, I'd wear something black/dark especially when you know that you'll get wet. I hate it if my bra lines were showing etc. For Muslim women, it's probably best if you wear hijab that covers your chest. So unless if you don't care about all these things, skip to the next tips.
  2. Wear rubber shoes. Crocs for examples because along the way it's very muddy & wet. Not very advisable to wear normal shoes.
  3. Bring a change of clothings. You can change in the toilet which consists of 3 cubicles. There's no mirror by the way. Therefore, bring your own if you're particular about your look.
  4. There's a surau but it's unisex. LOL. So maybe you want to play osom or onetwojus (ie rock-paper-scissors) between boys and girls on who got to pray first?
  5. Don't litter please! The place is conserved. Even the toilets, lamp posts etc were operated by solar systems solar energy systems!
  6. Bring your own snacks. There was a solitary stall selling some snacks but according to my friends, it was quite expensive. I'm guessing because they monopolise the business giving them the liberty to step-up the price. You can leave them in your car although there is some distance between the parking area (which is at the side of the road btw) and the real entrance (maybe about 10 mins walk). 
  7. Beware of monkeys!! Therefore you can't just leave your stuffs at the compound while you happily go hiking.

We are #ohsem engineers!!!!

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